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Spraying technology of glass bottle

The spraying production line of glass bottles is generally composed of spraying room, hanging chain and oven. There is also the front water treatment for glass bottles. What glass bottles need to pay special attention to is the sewage discharge. As for the quality of glass bottle spraying, it is related to water treatment, surface cleaning of workpieces, conductivity of hooks, air volume, powder spraying and the level of operators. The following methods are recommended for Trial Implementation:
Pretreatment section
The pretreatment section of glass bottle spraying includes pre stripping, main stripping, surface adjustment, etc. if it is in the north, the temperature of the main stripping part cannot be too low and needs thermal insulation. Otherwise, the treatment effect is not ideal;
Preheating section
After pretreatment, it will enter the preheating section, which generally takes 8 ~ 10 minutes. When the glass bottle reaches the powder spraying chamber, it is necessary to make the sprayed workpiece have a certain amount of waste heat to increase the adhesion of powder.

Last:A Global Glass Gathering